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Application Instructions

Step 1 - Choose the right roller: We suggest using a 1/4 inch nap, wool and polyester blend roller. Choose a roller whose label indicates that it is for smooth and gloss surfaces. We do NOT recommend using foam rollers.

Step 2 - Surface Preparation and Determination of Screen Size: Screen Goo can be applied to any smooth paintable surface. Many materials other than the products listed below can be used successfully. For best results the surface should be flat and smooth. If the surface to be coated is not smooth, it should be sanded down and wiped off prior to applying the Screen Goo Reflective Coat. Porous surfaces such as drywall, gyproc, and wood based materials such as plywood, particle board, MDF, should be sealed with a flat, white latex primer prior to applying Screen Goo Reflective Coat. Drywall surfaces should be finished to a minimum Level 4 standard when applying our matte coatings (Reference White, High Contrast, Max Contrast); Level 5 finish is preferable and highly recommended. You can download a document defining levels of dry wall finish here. Coloured surface should also be primed using a flat, white latex paint.
We recommend mounting your projector in its permanent location before determining the actual screen dimensions. Once the projector is mounted you should project an image onto your surface and adjust for image geometry. The width of the image at the top of the screen should be the same as the width at the bottom and likewise the sides of the image should have the same height. Finally you should check that the image is level and square in the corners. Now you are ready to mask off the area you will be coating with a high quality painters tape. If you intend to create a border around your screen you should allow an extra inch around all sides so that the coated surface will be slightly larger than your projected image
Step 3 - Reflective Coat: Rolling this product is a bit trickier than rolling normal latex paint. This means that attention must be paid to application method and roller handling. Some users report improved results with a light sanding of the Reflective Coat; we see no disadvantage to this, but only the Reflective Coat layers should be sanded and then only after allowing for a minimum 24 hour drying period prior to sanding.

Place about 200mL of Reflective Coat in the paint tray to do your first coat. Dab some on one side of the roller, rotate and dab some on the other. Squeeze out any excess coating by rolling on the slanted portion of the paint tray. Don't press too hard. Depending on your screen height, you should have enough paint on the roller to complete approximately two adjacent vertical columns.

Roll the coating in columns using vertical strokes covering the full height of the screen. The coating density should be just sufficient to cover the underlying surface. After the first column is complete, apply the second full column, adjacent to the first, with a slight overlap between the columns. The roller should now have very little paint left on it. You're now ready to do your first finishing stroke. Center the roller above the overlap, making sure the open end of the roller (which receives less pressure) is facing the just coated side of your screen surface, so that the overlapping layer will have a lightly feathered edge. The wire support side of the roller mechanism naturally presses harder on the surface of the screen, so it should be oriented to the least recently coated side of the screen. Using just enough pressure to get the roller turning, do an uninterrupted stroke from just above the top edge of the screen to just below the bottom edge. It's important not to stop the roller during the finishing stroke as this could cause marks in the finished surface. Following the same procedure, roll two adjacent columns at a time with finishing strokes in between until you've covered the entire viewing surface. Allow the Reflective Coat to dry thoroughly (typically 1-1.5 hrs.) and then repeat the above procedures for the second layer of Reflective Coat.

Even after following these instructions to the letter, your wet surface will have a streaky appearance and the overlaps between the columns will be clearly visible. THIS IS NORMAL! While we realize that this is a bit counter-intuitive, LEAVE IT ALONE and the surface will dry to a uniform consistency and color. Resist the temptation to go back over your work because re-rolling the coating after it has begun to dry (about 2-3 minutes after application) will cause textural differences, potentially resulting in permanent streaks.